Quit Smoking

Quit smoking – stub out the habit

“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit.”

This is the finding of extensive research carried out in the USA, Scandinavia and other parts of Europe – as reported in New Scientist magazine.

If you are tired of constantly battling your habit, hypnosis could be the answer for you.

The main reason hypnosis works so well for smoking cessation is because it helps reprogram your unconscious mind so it supports your decision to stop. It many cases, after just one hypnotherapy session, the desire to smoke simply fades away without a great deal of effort.

At the start of the session I will explain the role the mind plays in your smoking habit. And after taking notes on your personal smoking history I will employ specific therapeutic techniques to help you stop smoking for good.

A specialist Stop Smoking session costs £120 and will last around 90 minutes. So, if you currently smoke 20 cigarettes a day (which costs around £300 a month) you will soon recoup the cost.

But more importantly you will also instantly feel the health benefits of becoming a non-smoker. Nearly 50 per cent of all smokers die prematurely from smoking-related diseases – the life expectancy of a smoker is about 10 years less than that of a non-smoker.

To book your Stop Smoking session call or text me on 07838 096 728.